"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13

Friday, January 11, 2013

Missing In Action

I didn't realize it's been almost a year since I'm written a blog post!  I didn't intend to be away so long.  I wish I had kept up writing to go back and realize the journey I've been on the last year.  What a difference it has made!

The Beast (which I am now choosing a new name for.  Let's call him Husband) has not quit drinking.  He's is less attached, for sure.  But, honestly, I'm not all that concerned about him anymore.  I spent the last 6 months focusing on getting myself healthy, and in the process, he has gotten healthy as well.  He's like a changed person.  Supportive of my well being and when he does choose to drink, not disruptive of the family life anymore.  Drunkeness is few and far between.  My ground rule is he won't wake me or the kids and he will be sober enough to take care of them in the morning.  By some miracle, it's been working.

So I said I've been working on my health...that's an understatement!  I'm a brand new person!  I changed my way of eating to get rid of refined sugars, increase healthy fats and decrease toxins (organic and non-GMO products) and it's been a Godsend!  My mood has changed and so has my body! My energy is increased, allowing me to exercise more.  I've lost 43lbs (and counting) and I've gone down 4 pants sizes!  AND I FEEL GREAT!  I'm very excited about this change and can't wait to share more about how this works for me.  But, until next time :)

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