"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Long Time No Blog

It's been awhile!  I took some vacation at work and took my 3 kiddos to visit my dad and step mother.  We had a great time.  We left Beast behind, which helped make the trip more enjoyable.  He doesn't particularily like to spend that much time with my family and gets very edgy.  It raises my stress level tremendously when he's there, so I was grateful to have that time away.

So far, the Beast has been dry since my last post.  A part of me doesn't believe him, but I can't feel that way.  He has been continuously attending AA meetings; even going multiple times in a week.  He also has no disagreement with me attending Al-Anon.  I've been here before, so I will continue to work on me and my serenity and remember that I have no control over what he will or won't do.

I've recently started Weight Watchers back up.  I tend to get in slumps where all I want to do is eat crap food.  I know it has everything to do with comfort food.  My comfort food happens to be chocolate bars and potato chips!  So horribly unhealthy for me in so many ways!  I've also been walking for 30 minutes on my lunch break.  It's unbelievable how much that changes my afternoons!  It's still really cold here, so we go to our local mall and walk circles in there.  I can't wait for the spring weather.  There's just something about the fresh air and the exercise that gives me such a natural high.

I attended my Al-Anon meeting last night and the topic was Tradition 2.  Sometimes I dislike the tradition nights, mostly because they seem beyond me somehow.  Last night was great!  Awesome conversations on how our higher powers have been working in our lives and through the group.  My take away on the tradition revolves around no one in the group having authority over another.  I really like that we're all on the same playing field.  No one tells another what to do or how to do anything.  It's just an excepting group.  It's the one place I feel I can truly be myself and say what I think.  They can take what they like and leave the rest...


  1. How nice that you were able to take a vacation and enjoy yourself and family. I can totally relate to the husband being edgy around family. Same over here!

    Glad your husband is still doing AA. Every bit helps. Even if he slips, those people have ruined his drinking forever!

    Love your message about Al-Anon. What a wonderful program.


  2. I'm glad you went without Beast and enjoyed your time and some rest! And you are making loving decisions to take care of yourself... Way to go!!!!!!!!!!
