"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13

Monday, November 21, 2011

So this is it

How does hearing what someone says about you turn into believing what someone says about you?  When does believing what someone says about you stop and becoming what they say begin?  It seems like a blur of hurt, anguish and fear.  Anxiety over when you'll be home or what mood you'll be in when you get here.  Dread of the look in your eye that tells me you've been over-served again. The blood in your veins is boiling over something that makes no sense.  I can't listen or I will hurt, but I can't shut you out because you won't let me.  Do you know, that while you rant, I stop listening and start to wonder what demon has taken over your soul.  Can it see my soul?  Is that why it hates me so?  I pray for you.  I pray for us.  I pray that our children never fight this demon, but also get gut-wrenchingly sick knowing that it will probably happen.  Can I do something to change it?  Can I walk away?  Can you pick up the pieces of your broken soul, humble yourself before the Lord and realize that you need help?

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