"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm thankful for so many things.  I'm thankful for my health, my children, my friends, but most of all for Jesus.  I believe that God had a reason for creating me, and even if I don't understand all the things happening in my live, I must believe that they are for my good.  It is good that my relationship with my husband struggles; it makes me more thankful for the quiet times.  It's good that I am married to an alcoholic; it brings me closer to faith in God.  But I continue to pray for guidance on when the tie must be cut.  When it's time to let go of him and let him try to fly on his own.  I know I can become what I believe and not worry about what he believes of me, but my children are much more impressionable.

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I want to continue to remember that I believe in faith, family and friends--in that order--and that I must nuture them in God's love, wisdom and understanding.


  1. Gosh! We seem in such similar emotional places...
    I am sorry things are tough for you.
    But I am glad others understand what I am going through.
    Makes me feel not so alone.
    (Have you been to al-anon? I need to get back.)
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I have been to al-anon but have not been for a few months now. Missing my al-anon family. First place I've felt like I fit in for a loooong time! I'll start going again-and so should you!

  3. What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing!
