"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Tsunami

A very wise woman in my group said last night, "Alcoholism is like a tsunami.  It leaves debris everywhere, even in places we don't know about.  Then, when we least expect it, we find that debris we didn't know was there and have to figure out how to deal with it."  WOW!  Well said my dear friend.  I hope you like that tidbit as well. 

My tsunami came in last night...again. At least I don't have to wait anymore for the shoe to drop...it went ahead and dropped.  The Beast went out and got nice and smashed last night.  He hasn't attended meetings like I've asked.  He was a total ass again. 

I will say that some things improved-with me.  I wasn't having any of his personal shots at me in the middle of the night.  I told him he was rude, disrespectful and didn't deserve an answer to any questions he was asking.  I've never had him agree.  Usually he continues, but he actually agreed last night!  I was a little confused but felt a small personal victory.  Here's how it went:

I was sleeping peacefully when my bedroom lights shot on about 1am.  I complained to have the lights back off.  He didn't comply.  The Beast then sat down on the bed next to me and asked, "Is it okay if I call you a retard?"  I ignored him.  He persisted and demanded an answer.  I sat up, told him he was rude and disrespectful by coming home, turning on the lights and speaking disrespectfully to me.  He agreed.  After about 5 minutes, he must have forgotten because he started in again.  Honestly, I remember the feelings I had as he talked, but I kept telling myself that it was the alcohol talking and I didn't have to believe anything he said.  I know he was speaking poorly about me or about something that I do, but I chose to block it out.  He tried to engage me in his chaos and I choose not to participate, which made him angrier.  I repeated my mantra to him again.  He's rude, disrespectful and unnecessarily disrupting my night of sleep.  He agreed, and went to bed.  The incident was much shorter than usual so I was able to get back to sleep fairly normally and it didn't drag into hours of complete disregard for me, my space and my feelings.

That being said, I'm still PISSED!  How dare he bring that chaos back after he promised not to!  How dare he not get HELP when he admits he has a problem!  How dare he speak so callously to me!!  I was feeling pretty good last night after my meeting.  It went well, good conversation, good talk about detachment and forgiveness.  And then the anger boils.  Can I forgive and keep forgiving?  Can I detach WITH LOVE?  I'd rather just kick him out on his ass and make him try to figure out how to function without me. 

I think I have to make it more uncomfortable for him.  I've been carrying a large weight of responsibility when it comes to the household.  Not anymore.  He's got it too good now.  Will my unwillingness to carry the burden lead him to drink more?  Maybe.  But he drinks heavily when I do have most of the responsibilities.  He makes his own choices, right?  Or, should I be more compassionate to the man and more angry at the disease?  It's hard for me to tell where one stops and the other starts lately.  Bummer.

Just writting has lifted some of the tightness in my chest and stomach I was feeling this morning.  Thanks for listening!


  1. Ugh... I am so sorry :(
    Just when you think things are looking up, BAM!
    But - in my humble experience - that is life loving an alcoholic.

    He can drink or stop - his choice. [Nothing YOU do causes him to drink or not drink. He drinks because he chooses to. I think you can be angry at him AND the disease :)
    You can leave or stay - your choice. (You'll leave when you are "sick and tired of being sick and tired. WHen will that be? Crap, well, I am here after 23 years. Do you wanna be me???)

    I am SOOOOO impressed that you didn't engage. That is a HUGE step!!! I have found it utterly pointless to fight when Mr. M is drunk. I get all riled up and angry and hurt and wake up in the morning with all those feelings and devastation at what he said and how he treated me and he doesn't remember a thing and has no feelings about it - he literally WASN'T THERE. I was fighting with someone who wasn't even there fighting with me!!! What a WASTE of my emotional energy and effort!

    Keep on keepin' on, sister. You aren't alone (even though Beast leaves you that way.)

  2. Tearless-I love this: "I was fighting with someone who wasn't even there fighting with me!" I hear that LOUD and clear! Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Tearless said it all and all of it was perfect!

    Lissalin, I also have to comment on how beautifully you handled your situation. And you are able to see that it's the alcohol, the disease talking. Now, I do not have a black belt in Al-Anon, mine is white, so I am unable to detach with love in most instances, but I was advised that I just need to detach, period. Someone sent me a daily meditation passage today and the jist of it is that we have no control over outcome. We can take action and the surrender the result to a Higher Power. So we do what we think is the next right thing and leave the worrying about the outcome to a power greater than ourselves. Easier said than done, but can be done with practice. I found it freeing to be relieved of my duties as Master of The Universe.

    If he drinks, it is not your doing.

